Games From The Grave - Three Kings
The Three Kings ritual was first discussed on r/NoSleep back in 2012, and eventually spawned its own dedicated subreddit.
To play, there must be:
One player
One partner that you completely trust
What is important to note is that both player and partner need to be mentally, emotionally and spiritually stable to play. If there are any serious issues in either of your lives, or if you have consumed any drugs or alcohol in the past 3-5 days, do not play.
You will need:
One large, quiet, empty room (ideally a basement or cellar)
A pack of candles
A lighter
A bucket of water
A mug or cup
An electric fan
Two large mirrors
Three chairs
An alarm clock
Fully charged mobile phones
A place to sleep
A small object of sentimental value
The game must begin at 11pm. If your partner has not been fully briefed on their role, you should not begin. They will be required to remain in your home for the entirety of the ritual. If there are any windows in the room you have selected, make sure that they are properly covered.
Place one chair facing north in the centre of your room. This will be your throne.
Place the other two chairs on either side of the throne, about an arm's length away and facing toward it. These chairs will be for your Queen and your Fool.
Place a mirror perpendicular each in these two chairs, facing both each other and you. While seated in your throne, you should be able to see your reflection in your peripheral vision on either side without having to move your head or eyes at all.
Place the bucket of water and the mug on the floor in front of you, just out of reach.
Place the fan behind your throne, on a low or medium setting. It should never be turned to high and should always be stationary, not turning.
Leave the room but keep the door open.
Go to your chosen sleeping spot and place the candles, lighter, alarm clock and phone directly next to your bedside. Make sure that the phone is on charge and the alarm is set for 3:30am.
Turn off the lights, hold on to your sentimental object and go to sleep.
Now that all of the prep has been done, the main event begins.
When the alarm goes off at 3:30am, wake up, turn off the alarm and do not turn on any lights. Holding on to your sentimental object, pick up your phone, light one candle and return to the chosen room. You must be seated in your throne by 3:33am.
If any of the following occur, DO NOT PROCEED:
Your phone did not charge
Your alarm did not go off at exactly 3:30am
The door to your chosen room is closed
The fan inside your chosen room has been turned off
You do not make it to your throne by 3:33am
In any of these instances, both you and your partner must leave the house immediately and not return until after 6am.
If all has gone smoothly, you may continue. Sit down in your throne, and do not look directly into either mirror. Use your body to shield the candle from the fan and do not let it go out. Keep your eyes trained on the darkness in front of you, not at the mirrors or even the candle. Should you have any questions, now is the time to ask them.
You may or may not receive an answer to your question(s). If you do, the answer will come from the direction of one of the mirrors, but do not turn to look when it happens. Remember to take all answers with a grain of salt. The answer may be coming from the Queen or the Fool, and it is not always easy to tell which is which. You must also remain in your throne until 4:34am.
At 4:34am, your partner should call out your name to end the ritual. If this fails, they should call your phone. If this also fails, they should enter the room and use the mug and bucket to wake you without touching you.
There are also some fail safes you can keep in mind. One of these is that, if your body is suddenly moved, the fan will blow the candle out, ending the game.
If you become lost or disoriented, your sentimental object will help to guide you back again.